Bucks County Tennis is a volunteer-led charitable organisation (RCN 1207665) assisting with the delivery of tennis at all levels in Bucks. Please look around our website to find out more about what we do. Please contact our office at admin@buckstennis.com or 07946 407334 to help with any enquiries.
Bucks Aspirantes 2025
The Bucks County Tennis Aspirantes Programme is an initiative focused on developing players between the ages of 4-8 at various clubs across the county. Funding is available for clubs with a clear mini tennis pathway, giving them the opportunity to train twice a week and introducing them to competition. The programme has the following aims:
• To create through a strong network of clubs a regular stream of 8&U players into county sifts and county organised competition.
• To support coaches to create a fun and engaging environment to develop skilful players with a love of the game of tennis.
• To inspire more 8&U players within Bucks onto the performance and competition pathway.
In order to achieve these goals, along with the funding, there will on and off court get togethers for coaches and players, support from our County Performance Officer and team competition in the form of the Aspirantes Cup for participating players.
If your club is interested in applying for Aspirantes funding, please have a look at the below documents for more information, criteria and the application form. If you would like more information on the Aspirantes Programme, please contact our County Performance Officer, Jemima King, at cpo@buckstennis.com.
Bucks Tennis Aspirantes Programme