Bucks County Tennis is a volunteer-led charitable organisation (RCN 1207665) assisting with the delivery of tennis at all levels in Bucks. Please look around our website to find out more about what we do. Please contact our office at admin@buckstennis.com or 07946 407334 to help with any enquiries.
The Buckinghamshire Youth League (formerly Team Tennis) is a singles and doubles based competition for all age groups from 8&Under to 18&Under, open to all registered venues in Bucks. The Buckinghamshire National League is for Open Adult teams.
The Youth & National Leagues Summer competitions run from April to July in a 15 week season, providing fun and exciting tennis for all.
You can find all the Bucks specific information, including fixture dates, event formats and entry details here at the Buckinghamshire National League webpage. There is also a short "How to Enter" video to help you through the process. Entries are made online, but payments are made by bank transfer to the Buckinghamshire County LTA bank account.
Janet Jamieson is the league organiser for Bucks and can be contacted at mandj77@btinternet.com, 01494 864352 or 07702 976850.