Bucks County Tennis is a volunteer-led charitable organisation (RCN 1207665) assisting with the delivery of tennis at all levels in Bucks. Please look around our website to find out more about what we do. Please contact our office at admin@buckstennis.com or 07946 407334 to help with any enquiries.
Junior County Training
Bucks Tennis runs county training on a monthly basis leading up to a county cup event. The ethos of the training is to create team spirit, identity and loyalty to Bucks Tennis. Players gain the opportunity to train with their peers and have an aspirational experience with a goal of ultimately being selected to represent the county. The training is underpinned by singles and doubles (Bucks rules) tactics and the following values: Humility, Teamwork and Resilience.
Below are some documents that you may find useful if you're looking for more information about county training, as well as our player expectations form and medical form, that all players in county training need to complete.
Player, Parent and Coach Expectations Form
County Training Selection Process
County Cup Team Selection Process