Bucks County Tennis is a volunteer-led charitable organisation (RCN 1207665) assisting with the delivery of tennis at all levels in Bucks. Please look around our website to find out more about what we do. Please contact our office at admin@buckstennis.com or 07946 407334 to help with any enquiries.
The Bucks Junior County Closed is our annual county championships, with events for all age groups from 8U to 18U. We also run open men's and ladies singles events. The 2024 competition took place at the end of August, with 254 entries across 30 events, including our new competitions, the Mixed and 9&Under doubles. Bucks county training is doubles focused, so it was great to see some of our youngest tennis players being able to show off their skills! We are grateful to our referees, volunteers and the clubs who hosted the event: Chesham Bois and Great Missenden. You can find all the winners below.​
Junior County Closed
Open Women's Singles
Open Men's Singles
18U Girls Singles
18U Boys Singles
16U Girls Singles
16U Boys Singles
14U Girls Singles
14U Boys Singles
12U Girls Singles
12U Boys Singles
11U Girls Singles
11U Boys Singles
10U Girls Singles
10U Boys Singles
9U Girls Singles
9U Boys Singles
8U Girls Singles
8U Boys Singles
Open Mixed Doubles
Open Men's Doubles
18U Girls Doubles
18U Boys Doubles
14U Girls Doubles
14U Boys Doubles
12U Girls Doubles
12U Boys Doubles
10U Boys Doubles
10U Girls Doubles
9U Doubles
Robyn Went
Calum Fairey
Emily Marshall
Charlie Harvey
Papaya Douvall
Mohan Mehta
Christina Kay
Oliver Westbrook
Scarlet Gogol
Alex Salifu
Scarlet Gogol
Ryan Westney
Sofia Cancel
Theo Whibley
Annabelle Barnard
Charlie Mehta
Evelyn Dorman
Ronnie Gogol
Robyn Went/Charlie Harvey
Calum Fairey/Will Mottram
Helena Ullyatt/Robyn Went
Hugo Dighe/Charlie Harvey
Mokshitha Chinthaparthi/Molly Dallas
Oliver Osborn/Oliver Westbrook
Gracie Tickler/Elizabeth Vellacott
Robin Jones/Alex Salifu
Max Whibley/Theo Whibley
​Olivia Napier/Jessica Roach
Olivia Napier/Noah Napier
Emily Marshall​
Jack Feinson
Maisie Seedel
Kyle Babbage
Mokshitha Chinthaparthi
Nicholas Morrell
Charlotte Dobby
Dillon Ranauta
Emmeline Maisey
Vega Hummerston
Gracie Tickler
Theo Whibley
Olivia Napier
Maxwell Sarr
Olivia Napier
Ronnie Gogol
Amelia Khan
Ashwin Rabindrakumar
Mokshitha Chinthaparthi/Joshua Bright​
Josh Bright/Josh Greenway
Myah Chang Harper/Emily Marshall
Ashton Taank/Ethan Taank
Polina Brown/Charlotte Dobby
Daniel Boyle/Armaan Somani
Emmeline Maisey/Mia Taank
Miguel Dadios/Alex Vout
Maxwell Sarr/Oliver Settle
Annabelle Barnard/Sofia Cancel
Annabelle Barnard/Ronnie Gogol